Every airline can now track the performance of inflight connectivity based on the Seamless Air Alliance defined service level metrics, regardless of service provider or technology.
What is Viper?
Viper is a full-service, exclusive, commercial offering from the Seamless Air Alliance to airlines.
Viper spans the full life cycle of IFC QoE assessment for a simple, flat annual fee, including:
- Viper IFC QoS and QoE Measurements and Satisfaction Scoring
- Flexible integration channels including Airline Portal, Airline Application, Crew Device and Server solutions
- Unlimited testing with orchestration features to minimize burden to the IFC network
- Unlimited secure and confidential data storage for every test instance with discrete entries for every measurement plus aircraft information, flight information and service provider information
- Flexible reporting including exception-based triggers
Viper measurements and scoring are defined collaboratively by the Seamless Air Alliance Airline Forum and Technical Forum.
Viper is designed to adapt to each airline’s configuration with flexible integration channels that can be deployed within the boundaries and willingness of any IFC service provider.
QoS Vs QoE
Passengers expect Inflight Connectivity (IFC) to deliver a reliable and satisfying experience.
Passengers judge the quality of experience (QoE) based on how their personal applications perform.
Quality of service (QoS) measurements span only the IFC network, from the onboard wireless access point to the internet point of presence (PoP).
QoE measurements span the entirely of the passenger perspective, from their device to application and content servers.
The Seamless Air Alliance Airline Forum and Technical Forum have formulated Vital Performance (Viper) measurements of network performance and specific application, such as browsing and streaming.
Beyond defining the methodology and calibration for each measurement, Viper assigns an absolute score to relate to passenger expectations, where +2 relates to a great home-like experience and -2 to a bad or unusable experience.
Viper provides an airline independence IFC assessment that can be used as a part of an IFC service level agreement (SLA).
A more complete discussion around IFC QoE SLA is available in the Seamless Air Alliance report
SLA Building Blocks, Best Practices to Measure IFC Passenger Experience
To learn more about Viper request a consultation by sending an email to info@seamlessalliance.com