How long have you been involved with the Seamless Air Alliance?

Thales joined the SAA at the beginning of 2020… right before the pandemic

Can you explain your involvement and contribution?

I have been focusing on the Quality of Experience activities, editing the SR3 standard with target QoE metrics, and now I am Chairing the new and promising Seamless Certified Experience (EXP) Working Group 

What does your work with the SAA mean to you personally, and professionally?

SAA is uniquely positioned to transform the way the Aviation Industry is addressing Connectivity performances focusing on Passenger Experience. The EXP Working Group, I am chairing, has been created to harmonize the Quality of Experience metrics and Performance Service Level Agreements in the IFC Industry, as a foundation of the Seamless certification project.

What does membership and involvement in SAA bring Thales?

SAA Working Groups allow Thales to have genuine exchanges with key players in the IFC Industry to consolidate important positions such as the deployment of Quality of Experience monitoring and reporting.

Tell me something exciting that’s happening at Thales?

SES and Thales have just launched on October 24th their new SES-17 satellite, designed specifically for Aviation Connectivity to cover the Americas.

Why would you encourage other companies in the IFC industry to join and participate in the SAA?

Cf. point #4